Top Baby Monitors to keep stress at bay

Top Baby Monitors to keep stress at bay!

Welcoming the new member in the home is a big event in the life of parents. It holds all the more valuable if it’s the first baby. Generally best baby formula for gas, a lot of anxious moments follow with the arrival of a newborn in the household. The parents have to keep a constant vigil over the baby to ensure its safety. This is even tougher when the baby starts walking. Then it becomes quite difficult when the infant starts crawling or starts walking. It gets a tad problematic for the parents, especially mothers, to manage the housework by keeping an eye on the child’s movements. 

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About the baby monitors

A solution to this problem comes in the form of baby monitors. An audio baby monitor is a very well-liked baby monitor for a long time It consists of two parts. One is a transmitter, and the other is a receiver.  The transmitter is placed in the infant’s room. The receiver is portable, and the parent in the house can carry it around. The parent can hear the infant’s voice over the receiver. One can purchase this kind of baby monitor if they are satisfied with hearing the baby’s sounds only. New versions even have the option of a walkie-talkie monitor. In this, the parents can talk to the baby also and comfort him/her with their familiar voice. 

Another variety of baby monitor is the audio plus movement monitor. It works in the manner as the earlier one, but it has an extra transmitter. The parents can sleep peacefully at night because the monitor will alert them if the baby’s movement or breath stops. The other top baby monitors have enhanced features added to them. An audio plus video monitor is one of them. With this monitor, a person can not only hear the sounds made by the infant, but they can also see the baby on the screen of the small-sized television provided with this device. The baby can be seen with a camera attached to the wall in the baby’s room.

The earlier versions of audio plus video monitors had wires attached to them. Now the wireless video baby monitor is easily available in the market. It is more portable and cuts down other disturbing sounds. They are a blessing for the parents in monitoring the child’s safety and living a tension free life.

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Parenting tips for new mom

  • Sick: Moms out there get panic attacks literally if their child shows any disease symptoms or falls sick. This is a no-no practice. It is the child’s growth stage, and it is obvious that they fall sick. Just make sure you have taken preventive measures like stocking up medicines for emergencies and stocking up hydration drinks. This practice helps you to be ready in case of any emergencies during late nights. 
  • Inspire them: Every child, while growing, takes their parent’s, i.e. you, as a role model. Inspire them with your good teachings and positive things. You are the influencer for them for a few years. So do not show your frustrations, stress, and negativity on the child. It makes ill-effects on your child and makes him more vulnerable in the future. Only teach them kindness and positivity.
  • Talk about money: Yes. In most houses, this is not happening. It is a very important parenting technique of sharing the money details with your kids. It helps them understand the budget, things that can be afforded, things necessary; explain with good explanations why you are buying that product on sale instead of affording the expensive one. 
  • Read every day: This is one of the most necessary parenting tips to read any stories or information every day. It creates a habit for them to learn something new every day. 

This creates interest and seed the ambition they wish to aspire. Bedtime stories are a great influencer. They imagine these stories in their head and help them to excel creatively.